Thanks to everyone who joined the call today! Below are the notes from our meeting:
- Shaun Scholer (IGIO) explained difference between cached and dynamic services. Went over the services the IGIO uses and how to display our dynamic services (imagery, dem) in different ways based on need. URL for state raster services: https://di-ingov.img.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/DynamicWebMercator. Also showed off how to download imagery from the footprints layers in IndianaMap. See attached slides.
- Irena (Monroe Co.) asked a question about Parcel Fabric and issues upgrading to Pro 3.3. Derek mentioned that Marion County is using parcel fabrid, but at ArcMap 10.5. They are planning to upgrade to Pro in the near future.
- Lorey (BSU Libraries) asked about how to know whether a new version of Pro would require a new .NET framework install. Marianne mentioned seeing a blog post from Esri about it but no mention of it in that release's notes.